Tom Nault

Managing Partner, Middlerock Partners, LLC

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Tom Nault


I'm the former CEO of Open Interface North America, Inc. We were one of the companies most credited with popularizing Bluetooth. We sold the company to Qualcomm in 2007. We're the Bluetooth software on the original iPhone, along with hundreds of other devices, from Samsung, LG, and Motorola, to Sony, Logitech, B&O, and so many others. Our protocol stack was ported to over 58 brands of silicon.

Since that sale I've mostly advising other tech companies about how to bring their products to market, secure funding, capture license deals, and or manage IP. I was advised to join the group to provide guidance or introductions where I may be able to help. I now live in the Springfield area having moved from Seattle after 43 years. I am not a programmer. I am on the tech management side.


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